Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ergonomics and Anthropometry Part 1

1. Compare the two types of setup and state reasons why one of the setup is preferred.
In the preferred one, the man sits comfortably and feels relaxed and has a lot of desk space. In the other one, the man sits uncomfortably and feels restless and has little desk space.

2. What are the area of considerations when designing a conducive and comfortable workplace?
Correct height and depth, correct lighting, prolonged laptop use, usable dek space and freedom of movement.

3. State the reasons why these considerations are important.
It makes the person enjoy doing his work and be cmfortable.

My Work Desk

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Selecting EQs

1. What are the pros and cons of Singapore having more elderly people?

2. What can we do to help the elderly?

3. How difficult is it to help the elderly?

4. Can the elderly help each other?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Understanding the 'Elderly Challenge"

Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
1. Making travelling from one place to another easier and more convenient for the elderly.
2. Make a barrier-free society.
3. Let the elderly have affordable healthcare.
4. Ensure that the elderly are active and well.

State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly
We should vary the length of land leases as shorter land leases will ease the progress of retirement housing by the private sector.

State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable
Follow-up by a committed family physician within close proximity to the customer will confirm that the elderly's several needs will be taken care of thoroughly and holistically.
Top up Medisave accounts of less well-off Singaporeans when there are budget excess that the Government can share with the citizens.

After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges
I can write to HDB to suggest some ways to make flats mor elderly friendly.
I can tell my friends and family about these elderly challenges to spread the message.
I can make a poster encouraging people to help the elderly.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reflection on LEAPS to NEWater Plant

1. I learnt that water is important, we use in our daily lives. Singapore does not have natural water resources.

2. I learnt how the reverse osmosis process and ultraviolet rays works.

3. There are reservoirs at almost every part of Singapore.

4. I will brush my teeth using a mug instead of running water.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bad Design (Video)

Bad Design (Picture)

This was drawn by me.
This picture illustrates the bad design of some marker caps.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Photos From My Sketchbook Part 2

Photos From My Sketchbook(Part 2)

My Two-point Perspective Blocks
My JieMin-ified Isometric Blocks

Photos From My Sketchbook Part 1

Photos From My Sketchbook(Part 1)

My Two-point Perspective House

My Shapes

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photography (Red!!!)

Red represents alert and people will stop and look at this sign.
Red represents brotherhood and equality, what Singapore aims to be.
Red is an auspicious colour and that is why most Chinese New Year decorations are in red.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Exercise on Ideation

  1. What do you think is the main underlying theme of the clip? I think it teaches us to be creative to think of as many ideas for just one prop impromptu.

  2. What are some skill sets that would be needed by the comedians to make their impromptu presentations successful? They would have to quickly brainstorm on good ideas and cooperate well.

  3. How do you think you would be able to hone your skills that you have mentioned in question (2)? I can practise thinking of many ideas by using a prop and try to think of ideas. I would try my best to work with my partner and quickly discuss my idea with him so as to save time.

  4. How then would the skills that you mentioned be useful and applicable in your other domains and subject areas? I can use my skill of thinking of ideas for ADMT and I & E while The skill of cooperating can be used in all subjects.

Monday, January 25, 2010

PIES- Watching a movie

4.Watching a movie

I- Learn how to write a story.
E- Feel touched/scared/good after the touching/horror/funny movie.
S- Can relate movie to friends.

PIES- Taking a ride in an MRT

3.Taking a ride in an MRT

I- Being eco-friendly, helping Singapore economy.
E- Parents are happy that I can go home by myself.
S- Chat with friends who are also taking the same MRT.

PIES- Book


P- ‘The 39 Clues:Book 6’. I wanted to find out what happened to my favourite characters- Amy and Dan.
I- I learnt some good phrases in the book.
E- Couldn’t stop reading the exciting story.

PIES- Laptop Bag

1.Laptop Bag

P- Simple, black ‘Planet’ Bag.I wanted a backpack as carrying a sling bag might damage my spine.
E- Feel comfortable as now, carrying my laptop is not hard!!
S- Looks quite nice.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Conservation of Water Resources

10-Litre Challenge

The 10-Litre Challenge was introduced in 2006 to encourage Singaporeans to reduce their daily water consumption by 10 litres. Besides introducing useful tips on how to conserve water, the programme also includes other initiatives such as water volunteer groups, a labeling scheme for water-efficient appliances, and promoting the use of dual-flush low-capacity flushing cisterns.

Mandatory Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme
The voluntary water efficiency labeling scheme was launched as part of the 10-Litre Challenge. Since Mar 2008, more than 500 products have been labelled, including taps and washing machines. This allows consumers to make informed choices prior to purchase. In view of the favourable response, the labeling scheme will be made compulsory from July 2009. For a start, taps, flushing cisterns and urinals must come with water efficiency labels. The mandatory scheme may be extended to showerheads and washing machines in future, when more water efficient models are available.

10% Challenge
The non-domestic sector accounts for half the water consumption in Singapore. On Feb 2008, the 10% Challenge was announced to reduce the water consumption of non-domestic users by up to 10% if not more. This challenge stands to benefit users, as reductions in water consumption means overall greater cost savings. Over the next 3 to 5 years, PUB will engage the different sectors to help them lower their water consumption, starting off with government and commercial buildings.
*Taken from Wikipedia, but 25% edited by me.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


1. To me, research is searching for information systematically to help me in my work.Research can be in the form of surfing the internet or reading non-fiction books.
2. Research is important as sometimes we do not know the information and are required to be assessed on it.
3. We must first be very sure of what we are supposed to do, then search for the information with all the key words.

Monday, January 11, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection

Everything in this picture is feeeling dead bored-Including the tree.
Why? Because without ADMT, life will be boring.
This picture is uncoloured to show how boring
the world will be without ADMT.
1. ADMT means being unique, creative and special.
2. Without ADMT, life will be boring and dull.
3. I want to learn how to design stuff and get exposed to media.